Angel Healing Session
1 Hour Angel Healing Therapy Session
Angels are a part of our physiology. You may know them by a name other than angels - regardless of what they’re called, these beings are each full of pure love and support. We all are hardwired to be connected to them, no matter our identity, race, religion or beliefs, status, fortune, anything and everything. Anyone can ask angels for help. It is a special right we as human beings are given to communicate with angels, and there are so many! We all have our own personal Guardian Angel, along with a whole host of other loving beings supporting us too (you may be surprised at just who and how many there really are). They all seek to help us for our absolute best and Highest Good, and my calling is to help you rediscover your connection with them.
Angel therapy healings are 100% gentle, purely loving sessions.
They are a safe space for you to release any fears, doubts, or hurts you carry with you and to ask questions and learn more of who you are on a Soul level. The sessions are a place free of judgement or ego, all just Divine Love from these beautiful Light Beings we know as angels, who want the very best for us.
This is said with a deeply motivated intention to genuinely help those that are guided to me. If you are sitting here reading this, chances are that you’re here for a special reason. I would be honored to work with you on this step of your journey, and I’m so happy to be able to help you reconnect with your angels and heal.
As a general breakdown, an Angel session will consist of:
• Learning the name of your personal Guardian Angel
• Messages from the angels and archangels for your specific life path and questions
• Releasing unwanted, stale energies holding you back
• Severing unhealthy spiritual attachments (also known as “cords”)
• Restoring energetic balance within the body and spirit
• Tons and tons of Light energy and loving support!
All I ask from YOU, is that you have an open heart during your session to allow these gifts and messages to flow freely.
This is for the purchase of an hour-long distance Angel therapy session, conducted over Zoom.
Upon purchase, please schedule when you would like your appointment.
** For those of us who are shy/dislike being on video, let me know and I’ll work with you. :) I’ve got you!
I’m so excited to work with you on your path!
With all my love and support,